NationalAssembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung made the requirement at the firstsession of the Committee on drafting amendments to the 1992 Constitutionthat convened in Hanoi on August 8 to inform the mechanism and planon operations of the Committee and a draft plan on the implementationof the 1992 Constitution.
According to the operationalregulations, the Committee, with legislative leader Hung being its head,has tasks of discussing issues on amendments and supplements to theConstitution; reviewing the implementation of the 1992 Constitution;gathering opinions; studying related information and documents anddevising draft amendments for the Constitution.
The Committeealso has the task of surveying and assessing social ties and legaldocuments relating to amended contents as well as compiling and editingthe documents.
In the scheduled plan, summing up theimplementation of the 1992 Constitution has to ensure thecomprehensiveness, evaluate political-legal ideology values shown in theConstitution, as well as achievements and shortcomings and reasons inan objective and correct manner.
The summary also covered demandsand contents to suit the development trend of the era, and then topropose to amend, supplement and perfect the Constitution to timelyinstitutionalise the Party’s major guidelines and policies stated in thePlatform on national construction in the transition to socialism andother documents of the 11th Party Congress.
Chairman Hung notedthe Committee’s operations must ensure the principle of the Party’sleadership, at the same time maintain the principle of concentration,democracy and gathering opinions of all walks of life./.