Anti-drug police show strong performance

The anti-drug police arrested over 44,900 drug-related criminals and confiscated 797.1 kg of heroin, 69.7kg of opium, and 171.3kg and 390,000 tablets of meths from 29,338 cases it brought to light during a one-year campaign against drug crime.
The anti-drug police arrested over 44,900 drug-related criminals and confiscated 797.1 kg of heroin, 69.7kg of opium, and 171.3kg and 390,000 tablets of meths from 29,338 cases it brought to light during a one-year campaign against drug crime.

The movement, launched last July, saw sizable contributions of the Drug Crime Investigation Police Department under the Ministry of Public Security, which alone seized 242.7kg of heroin, 5.5kg of opium, and 30.6kg and 164,635 tablets of meths from 127 cases, heard a conference on July 15 in Hanoi.

The department has given strategic advices to the Government and the National Committee for HIV/AIDS, Drug and Prostitution Prevention and Control as well as other agencies on the drug fight.

At the same time, it has coordinated with ministries, localities and the media to strengthen communications to raise the public awareness, especially people from ethnic minority groups and border areas, on the evil effects of drugs and call for their greater engagement in the combat.

In the time to come, more anti-drug raids will be launched, focusing on border areas and sea and air routes, according to Do Kim Tuyen, deputy head of the Drug Crime Investigation Police Department.-VNA

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