Head of the SeniorOfficials’ Meeting delegation of Russia Valery Sorokin made the statement toVietnam News Agency reporters on the sidelines of the round-table conference onAPEC 2017: results, issues and prospects after 2020, held in Moscow on October23.
The event’s agenda wasarranged in the order proposed by Vietnam, Chair of APEC 2017, including promotingsustainable, creative and inclusive growth; boosting extensive regionaleconomic connectivity; improving competitiveness and innovation of micro, smalland medium-sized enterprises in a digital era; and strengthening food securityand sustainable agriculture to adapt to climate change.
Vo Tri Thanh, Chairman ofthe Vietnam National Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation Council,presented an overview of Vietnam’s goals and priorities and a video clipfeaturing Vietnam’s achievements in development and global integration.
Nearly 20 reports at theevent reflected Russia’s scientific approach to collaboration within the APECframework and plans and prospects for Russia-Vietnam cooperation.
Soroskin lauded Vietnam’spreparations for the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting slated for next month inthe central city of Da Nang, hoping that it will be a success with the adoptionof the Post 2020 Development Vision.
He said Russia paysattention to ensuring economic development in remote and mountainous areas,which matches Vietnam’s initiatives, adding that the APEC Economic Leaders’Meeting needs to ensure safety for economic development, including fightingfunding for terrorism, dealing with the consequences of natural disasters andepidemics, and combating corruption.
Participants looked into theoutcomes of the implementation of the free trade agreement between the EurasianEconomic Community and Vietnam, as well as bilateral ties across agriculture,education and science.
Thanh suggested that a Vietnam-Russiafree trade agreement (FTA) should connect with manufacturing and value chainsof other deals to achieve better results.
Director of the RussianAPEC Study Centre under the Presidential Academy of National Economy and PublicTatiana Flegontova said Russia also pays attention to technological developmentand regional integration.-VNA