Wrongdoings in this case were found after aninvestigation into the now-jailed Phan Van Anh Vu (also knownas Vu “nhom” and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Bac Nam 79Construction JSC and the Nova Bac Nam 79 JSC) and his accomplices was expanded.
In 2014, Vu, in the name of a “shellorganisation of the Ministry of Public Security (MPS)’s General Department ofIntelligence”, signed documents or proposed that MPS leaders request the HCMCity People’s Committee assist and create conditions for him to rent State-managedland and a building at 15 Thi Sach Street to serve activities relating to thepublic security sector.
However, after receiving the land and the buildingfrom the HCM City People’s Committee, Vu did not use them for police activitiesbut instead carried out construction at the prime location for his own self-interest.
When defendant Nguyen Huu Tin, who was then ViceChairman of the HCM City People’s Committee, received a request from the BacNam 79 Construction JSC to sign a lease for the land at 15 Thi Sach Street, hedid not report the issue to the then Chairman of the People’s Committee but insteadassigned the municipal Department of Natural Resource and Environment to giveprocedural guidance.
After that, Le Van Thanh (former Deputy Chief ofthe Office of the HCM City People’s Committee), Nguyen Thanh Chuong (former Headof the office’s Urban Division), Dao Anh Kiet (former Director of the municipal Departmentof Natural Resources and Environment), and Truong Van Ut (former Deputy Head ofthe Land Management Division at the Department of Natural Resources andEnvironment) proposed Nguyen Huu Tin lease the land, sell the building, andreduce the rental for the land and the building at 15 Thi Sach Street, which rancounter to regulations.
At the first-instance trial last December, theHCM City People’s Court sentenced Nguyen Huu Tin to seven years in prison, DaoAnh Kiet to six years and six months, Truong Van Ut to five years, Le Van Thanhto four years, and Nguyen Thanh Chuong to three years for “violatingregulations on management and use of State assets, causing losses and waste.”
Except for Tin, the four other defendants filedappeals seeking leniency.
The court is expected to issue a verdict later onMay 22./.