The firstday of the three-day trial saw the presence of five out of sevenvictims of the case , who are officials and former officialsof Tien Lang district. The two others ha ve sound reasons fortheir absence.
The six defendants filed their appealfollowing the first instance trial on April 5, 2013 , duringwhich the Hai Phong People’s Court sentenced Doan Van Vuon and Doan VanQuy to five years in prison, Doan Van Sinh - three years and six months,and Doan Van Ve - two years.
Pham Thi Bau and Nguyen Thi Thuong were given 18-month and 15-month suspended sentences respectively.
According to the statement presented by the Hai Phong People’sProcuracy at the April 5 trial, on October 4, 1993 the Tien Langdistrict People’s Committee allocated 21 hectares of coastal wetlands toVuon for aquaculture in 14 years.
Vuon then encroached farther to the sea with an additional land areaof 19.3 hectares, which earned him the district’s administrative finealong with the right to continue cultivating the encroached land untilOctober 4, 2007 .
On April 7,2009 , the Tien Lang district People’s Committee issued Decision461/QD-UBND to take back the aforementioned plot citing its usageexpiry.
Disagreeing with this decision, Vuon brought the case to court which then upheld the above Decision 461.
On November 24, 2011 , the Tien Lang district People’s Committeeissued Decision No. 3307/QD-UBND to implement Decision 461, but Vuonrefused to comply.
Vuon, Quy, Sinh, Veand Doan Van Thoai and Pham Thai erected defence fences, plantedself-made mines and used home-made guns to fire at those executing thedecision, injuring seven officials on duty.
Thuong and Bau were found to get directly involved in erectingdefence fences and other activities to make it easier for the aboveaccused to launch attacks against the law enforcement officials.
The court of appeal is scheduled to run until July 31.-VNA