At a meeting in Moscow, which also marked the 65 th anniversary of thevictory over fascism (May 9), Vietnamese Ambassador to Russia Bui DinhDinh echoed President Ho Chi Minh’s praise of the great victory overfascism of the Soviet Union, saying it created an opportunity ofliberation for many nations, including the national liberation movementin Vietnam.
Honorary President of the Russia-Vietnam Friendship Association EvghenyGlazunov recalled the Vietnamese people’s struggle in each stage, addingthat comprehensive help of the Soviet Union from the first day of thewar had contributed to Vietnam ’s victory.
The Russia-Vietnam Friendship Association took the opportunity topresent honorary medals and insignia of the 65th year of victory overfascism to Ambassador Dinh and a number of staff at the embassy inrecognition of their contribution to strengthening and developingfriendship and strategic partnership between the people of Vietnam andRussia .
A meeting was also held in Tokyo to mark the 35th anniversary of theliberation of South Vietnam.
Minister-Counsellor at the Vietnamese Embassy Nguyen Minh Ha recalledimportant events in the struggle for national liberation of theVietnamese people and reviewed achievements recorded in Vietnam’sDoi moi (renewal) process.
At the meeting in Bangkok, Vietnamese Ambassador to Thailand NgoQuang Thang described the April 30 victory under the leadership of theCommunist Party of Vietnam and Uncle Ho as a milestone in the cause ofnational construction and defence of the Vietnamese people.
He called on all Vietnamese people who work, study and live inThailand, to make contributions to the country’s development.
The anniversary of the liberation of southern Vietnam also receivedwide press coverage in Laos and Cuba, with articles stressing thehistoric significance of the victory and hailing the Vietnamese people’sspirit of struggle and determination during the war as well asachievements in the doi moi process./.