Buenos Aires (VNA) – Chairwoman of the Argentina-VietnamCulture Institute (ICAV) Poldi Sosa Schmidt has attributed Vietnam’s successes tothe sound and ingenious leadership of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) andconsensus of the whole nation.
In an interview recentlygranted to the Vietnam News Agency's reporter in Buenos Aires, Poldi Sosa saidthroughout its revolutionary history, the CPV has always played a vanguard roleand gathered people from walks of life under its fighting flag to make Vietnam anindependent and sovereign nation. Following national reunification later, theCPV continued affirming its leadership role and mapped out developmentorientations, riding Vietnam through challenges to gradually prospereconomically. In recent years, Vietnam’s position and voice have beenincreasingly respected on the international arena.
Poldi Sosa said that she hastaken ICAV delegations to Vietnam nearly 20 times since 1998. The country’schanges happen every day and take her from surprise to surprise. The Vietnamesepeople’s lives have improved significantly over time and the nation has becomea destination that many international friends always expect.
She described the upcoming13th National Congress of the CPV as a significant event to reviewsuccesses and shortcomings in the past five years, and outlineorientations for Vietnam in the next period amid complicated and uncertain developments inthe region and the world.
With solidarity and highconsensus in the Party, she believed that the 13th National Party Congress will be a success,opening up a new period of development and success for Vietnam.
The ICAV Chairwomanregularly studies Vietnam’s issues via books published in Spanish language andmagazines with stories about its history and people. When Vietnam is preparingfor the 13th National Party Congress, she frequently checks information about this importantpolitical event on the Internet to share with her friends as well as at eventsorganised by the ICAV to popularise Vietnam.
In her young age, Poldi Sosa also joined movements protestingthe war in Vietnam. She founded ICAV and served as its Chairwoman so far, creatinga bridge to foster friendship and solidarity with the Vietnamese people, aswell as stepping up activities to popularise Vietnam’s culture and people toArgentine friends./.