The meeting saw the presence of delegatesfrom the Committee of Permanent Representatives (CPR) to the Association ofSoutheast Asian Nations (ASEAN), US Delegation to the ASEAN, ASEAN Secretariatand several US agencies.
Both sides expressed theirsatisfaction with the outcomes of the ASEAN-US Action Plan for 2016-2020, aswell as agreements and commitments reached at the US-ASEAN Special Leaders’ Summitin Sunnylands in February 2016 and the fourth ASEAN-US Summit in September2016, particularly those involving five priority areas, namely economicconnectivity, marine cooperation, response to trans-national challenges, mentorshipfor young leaders and increasing capacity of women.
The ASEAN member states laudedthe US’s assistance in building the ASEAN Community and regional connectivityvia effective cooperation projects such as the ASEAN Development Vision toAdvance National Cooperation and Economic Integration (ADVANCE), the US-ASEANConnectivity through Trade and Investment (ACTI), the ASEAN-US Partnership forGood Governance, Equitable and Sustainable Development and Security (PROGRESS)as well as actively joining regional forums and mechanisms such as the EastAsia Summit (EAS), the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) and the ASEAN DefenceMinisters’ Meeting Plus (ADMM Plus).
Under the ASEAN-US Connectivityinitiative, connectivity centres were put in operation in Jakarta, Singaporeand Bangkok in September 2016 in order to help business communities easily accessinformation and resources in priority fields.
The two sides agreed to continuetaking measures mentioned in the action plan while enhancing collaboration in responseto emerging challenges.
The US side affirmed its supportfor ASEAN’s central role and vowed to continue projects in support of the blocin the near future, including bridging the development and connectivity gap withinthe framework of the Working Plan to implement the third stage of the ASEANConnectivity Initiative and the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity 2025.
They will also consider thepossibility of holding celebrations for the 40th anniversary of the ASEAN-USrelations and the 50th founding anniversary of ASEAN.
On this occasion, the two sidesalso discussed preparations for the upcoming high-level meetings, including USVice President Mike Pence’s visit to the ASEAN Secretariat and meeting with theCPR in late April, the ASEAN-US Dialogue in May and the ASEAN-US MinisterialMeeting in August.
Established in 1977, ASEAN-US relationshave expanded, covering various fields such as politics, security, economics, trade, investment, and socio-cultural affairs.
At the third ASEAN-US Summit in2015, leaders of the two sides agreed to lift bilateral ties to the level of strategicpartnership.-VNA