New York (VNA) – Ambassador Pham Thi Kim Anh, Chargé d'Affaires of theVietnam Delegation to the United Nations, delivered a speech on behalf of ASEANat the Open Debate of the UN Security Council on Children and Armed Conflict inNew York on July 10.
In her speech, Anh stressed that ASEAN (Association ofSoutheast Asian Nations) is deeply concerned over the alarming increase ingrave violations against children, which is reflected through the fact that thenumber of verified violations by government forces drastically increased from4,000 to 6,000, and by non-State armed groups from 11,500 to 15,000 in 2017.
Thousands of children are killed, maimed, abducted, sexuallyabused or recruited, she said, adding that attacks on schools, students,education personnel are alarming as children are put at risk, and deprivingtheir opportunities to learn and grow for a better future.
She called for greater consensus and stronger actions by theinternational community to bring about substantial impact for children on theground.
More coordinated and responsive strategies at national,regional and global levels are urgently needed, ranging from bringing an end toand preventing the use and recruitment of children, as well as reintegration,rehabilitation and perpetrator accountability.
ASEAN supports the integration and inclusion of childprotection into peace processes and looks forward to a process to developpractical guidance in this regard, while emphasising the importance ofconstructive engagement among the relevant partners, including concerned memberstates, non-state armed groups, UN agencies and communities involved, in linewith the principle of the primary responsibility and authority of States inprotecting their civilians, including children.
The bloc encourages those countries that have yet to ratifythe Convention on the Rights of the Child to do so, as proof of theirunwavering commitment to child protection issues, she added.
For ASEAN, the protection of children is always high on itsagenda. In 2016, the ASEAN Commission on the Promotion and Protection of theRights of Women and Children adopted a Work Plan for the period 2016-2020 with16 thematic areas, including the elimination of violence against children andthe right of children to participate in all affairs that affect them.
The group commits to and is willing to coordinate with itspartners in ensuring a better future for children all over the world, sheaffirmed.
Addressing the debate, Special Representative of the UNSecretary-General Virginia Gamba stressed that over 10,000 children werereleased from armed groups and forces, while more than 12,000 children werereintegrated into the community last year.
Participating countries all expressed their profound concernover increases of serious violations, especially murder, kidnapping, sexualabuse and the use of children in armed forces.
They called on all parties involved to obey internationallaw, law on human rights and international humanitarian law, solve root reasonsof armed conflicts, and implement preventive measures and those helpingchildren who used to join armed forces to reintegrate into the community.
Some proposed sending experts on child protection toparticipate in the UN’s peacekeeping missions and boost the role andcontributions of regional and sub-regional organisations.-VNA