Asian audit governing body convenes 51st session

The 51st session of the Governing Board of the Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI) took place in Bali, Indonesia, on February 13 and 14.
Asian audit governing body convenes 51st session ảnh 1Members of the ASOSAI Governing Board at their 50th meeting last year. (Photo:

Jakarta (VNA) – The 51st session of the Governing Board of the Asian Organization of Supreme Audit Institutions (ASOSAI) took place in Bali, Indonesia, on February 13 and 14.

The function gathered close to 100 representatives from 11 State audit agencies across Asia.

Participants reviewed ASOSAI’s activities last year and discussed a wide range of topics, such as the building of ASOSAI’s 2018-2020 budget plan and a strategic roadmap for the organisation in the next five years.

On behalf of the Vietnamese delegation, State Auditor General Ho Duc Phoc presented the country’s plan to host the 14th ASOSAI congress in Hanoi in 2018.

He said Vietnam has developed a plan project and set up a steering group to organise the event.

Phoc also informed the board on the programme, timetable and theme of the congress, along with an initiative on enhancing the working quality of ASOSAI, including the issuance of the Hanoi Declaration after the event.

Harry Azhar Azis, Chairman of the Audit Board of Indonesia, hailed Vietnam’s active role as an ASOSAI member, saying that Indonesia is willing to share experience to support Vietnam in successfully organising the 14th ASOSAI congress.

The 46-member ASOSAI was founded in 1979 as a regional group of the International Organisation of Supreme Audit Courts.

Vietnam joined the group in 1997.-VNA

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