Speaking at theceremony, the association’s founder and Chairwoman Tamara Hentschelrecalled the formation and development of the group and its initialtarget of seeking equality for Vietnamese labourers in Germanyduring the country’s reunion period.
To date, theassociation has expanded in scale and now runs many practical programmeshelping Vietnamese immigrants integrate into the local country.
It also focuses on introducing Vietnamese culture to Germans andteaching Vietnamese children born in the country their native language,she added.
A representative from the local authorityhailed the achievements of the association and praised itscontributions to the stability, integration and development of theVietnamese community in Germany.
First Secretaryof the Vietnamese Embassy in Germany Nguyen Phuc Hien acknowledged theassociation’s efforts over the past 20 years, and expressed his hopethat it will further develop to help Vietnamese immigrants integrateinto a new country and way of life.
A string ofimages and documents explaining more about the integration progress wereon display, along with art performances and sporting contests.-VNA