Toyotahad earlier expected to sell 600 Corolla Altis 2014 units a month buthas secured up to 1,400 orders only three weeks after this model waslaunched on the local market.
Toyota Vietnam said with the soaring demand, customers will have to wait for at least one month to take delivery.
TheJapanese automaker has sold 6,300 Vios 2014 units since this model madeits debut in the first quarter of this year but there are now more than1,700 firm orders for the company to fulfil.
The number of Yaris 2014 units sold in June-September was 908, tripling the average sales of the old Yaris model.
ToyotaVietnam said its factory in the northern province of Vinh Phuc isrunning at full capacity. It takes two to three months for auto parts tobe supplied by foreign firms for the company to assemble.
In the first nine months of this year, Ford Vietnam sold more than 9,200 units, up a whopping 68 percent year-on-year.
According to the Daily, General Director of Ford Vietnam Jesus MeteloArias forecast the company’s total sales in all of this year wouldexceed 10,000 units, a target that Ford Vietnam has never reachedbefore.
The customers who have placed orders for Transit, Ranger and EcoSport models have to wait until this December to take delivery.
HondaVietnam has had more than 1,000 orders for its compact City car, whichdoubled the company’s earlier estimate for the model introduced onemonth ago.
Truck sales are also faring well. Buyers of IsuzuVietnam’s heavy trucks have to wait until next March to have theirorders fulfilled while customers buying Fuso trucks from Mercedes-Benzshould wait until the start of next year.
According to theVietnam Auto Manufacturers Association (VAMA), the nation’s auto salesamounted to 106,700 units as of the end of last month, rising 39 percentagainst the same period last year with sedans and trucks accounting for40 percent and 36 percent respectively. The association estimated thewhole year’s sales at nearly 145,000 units.-VNA