Bac Giang deepens ties with Japanese partner

A total of 70 cherry trees (Sakura), a renowned symbol of the Japanese nation, was gifted to and planted in northern Bac Giang province during a ceremony on March 3.
A total of 70 cherry trees (Sakura), a renowned symbol of the Japanese nation, was gifted to and planted in northern Bac Giang province during a ceremony on March 3.

The trees were presented to the province by the Japan-Vietnam Friendship Association’s chapter in Chukyo, Japan.

At the ceremony, Bui Van Hai, Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee, said Bac Giang looks to create favourable conditions for Japanese businesses investing in the locality.

Ambassador Fukada Hiroshi underscored that there are 20 Japanese companies currently operating in Bac Giang and expressed his hope that the ties between his nation and the locality will be further deepened.-VNA

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