A highlight of the series was the launch of a book featuring48 articles by the late President, which was collected and compiled by Indianhistorian Vijay Prashad. The book has so far been published in English, French,and Dutch.
As a participant in compiling the book in French, DominiqueMeeùs, a member of the PTB, said he felt proud and was moved by its content.
A seminar on the President’s life and career also took place,during which Phan Ngoc Lan, a Vietnamese expat in Belgium, told anecdotes aboutthe Vietnamese hero of national liberation and great man of culture.
The event saw the attendance of representatives of theembassies of Laos, Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua in Belgium and the EuropeanUnion (EU) as well as of a number of workers' parties in Europe.
Lan told the Vietnam News Agency’s correspondents that hewants to disseminate the great value of Ho Chi Minh's morality, culture andideology to peace-loving international friends.
During the two-day course of the festival on September 17and 18, the Vietnamese embassy also showcased photos on Vietnam’s liberation andconstruction causes and introduced the nation’s culture, cuisine, tourism.
This year, the festival attracted nearly 20,000 visitors./.