The visit reflects Belarus’ desire to develop all-roundcooperation with Vietnam, especially in economics, trade, andinvestment.
In addition, the two sides will discuss regional andinternational issues of mutual concern so as to enhance coordination atmultilateral forums.
Vietnam and Belarus enjoy a time-honouredfriendship and all-round cooperation. Belarus considers Vietnam atrustful partner on the international arena. The two countries hasregularly exchanged delegations of ministries, branches and localitiesand high-ranking contacts and closely cooperated at the United Nations,the Non-Aligned Movement and other international organisations andforums.
Two-way trade between Vietnam and Belarus fetched almost151 million USD in the first eight months of 2011, a 2.6 fold increaseyear-on-year. Vietnam exports seafood, electric and electronic products,telephones, printers, garments and textiles, footwear, rubber, rice,and canned vegetable and fruits to Belarus while import fertiliser,machinery, equipment, automobile accessories and tractors from thecountry. The Vietnam-Belarus Inter-Governmental Committee on Economic,Commercial and Scientific and Technological Cooperation convened itseighth session on Nov. 15-16, 2010 in Minsk in which the two countriessigned a cooperation programme in economic fields for the 2011-2012period.
Belarus has helped train a large number of Vietnamesecadres and experts. At present, there are 70 Vietnamese studentsstudying in Belarus. The two countries have maintained close cooperationin science and technology. The Vietnam-Belarus Scientific andTechnological Cooperation Committee have conducted six sessions.
Labourcooperation is a new direction for both countries. Vietnamesebusinesses have signed contracts with Belorussian construction companiesto send Vietnamese workers to work on the construction of a sports andrecreational complex in Minsk.
The two countries’ localities have also promoted cooperation, such as ties between Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City and Minsk.
Thetwo sides have stepped up cooperation in security-defence, healthcare,culture-information and sports-tourism following the signing ofagreements and contracts in these fields during the visit to Vietnam bythe Belorussian President in 2008.
At present, around 600Vietnamese people are living in Belarus. President A. Lukashenkopermitted Vietnamese people working and living in Belarus before 1992 tolegally reside in the country.
The two countries have also signed a number of framework agreements to boost bilateral ties./.