Ben Tre develops forests in climate change response

The People’s Committee of southern Ben Tre province has issued a plan to carry out a project on coastal forest protection and development in adaptation with climate change and green growth promotion for the 2021-2030 period.
Ben Tre develops forests in climate change response ảnh 1Illustrative image (Source:

Ben Tre (VNA) – The People’s Committee of southern Ben Tre province has issued a plan to carry out a project on coastal forest protection and development in adaptation with climate change and green growth promotion for the 2021-2030 period.

Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Nguyen Minh Canh said the plan aims to sustainably manage, protect and use 4,368ha of coastal forests while effectively promoting their role and function in environmental protection, biodiversity preservation, contributing to socio-economic development, national defence-security in coastal areas, and disaster mitigation.

The province also looks to increase forest coverage to 2 percent by 2025 from 1.77 percent in 2020.

During 2021-2025, Ben Tre will plant 416ha of new forests and replant 453ha to achieve a forest coverage of 2 percent. Later from 2026 to 2030, the province will plant 60ha of new forests, replant 363ha after exploitation, restore 10ha and gain a forest coverage of 2.1 percent.

To such end, the province will embark on aquaculture models in mangrove forests, pool the involvement of enterprises in forest plantation and livelihood models based on environment services, and strictly deal with violations regarding forests and forestry land.

It will also raise public awareness of the role of coastal forests in climate change response, as well as legal regulations in forest protection and management.

Ben Tre is now home to over 4,300ha of forests, mostly mangrove forests in the coastal districts of Thanh Phu, Ba Tri and Binh Dai./.


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