Biendong POC’s flag-salute ceremonies set Guinness Vietnam record

Bien Dong Petroleum Operating Company (Biendong POC) has set a Guinness Vietnam record by organising flag-salute ceremonies at the farthest oil and gas platform from the mainland.
Biendong POC’s flag-salute ceremonies set Guinness Vietnam record ảnh 1The flag-salute ceremonies have been held at Hai Thach-Moc Tinh platform at 6:30 of every first Monday of a month from July 2018 (Photo:
Hanoi (VNA) - Bien Dong Petroleum Operating Company (Biendong POC) has set a Guinness Vietnam record by organising flag-salute ceremonies at the farthest oil and gas platform from the mainland.

The ceremonies have been held at Hai Thach-Moc Tinh platform at 6:30 of every first Monday of a month from July 2018, gathering all staff members at the platform.
Biendong POC’s flag-salute ceremonies set Guinness Vietnam record ảnh 2(Photo:

Hai Thach-Moc Tinh is about 320km southeast of the southern Vung Tau coast. It is the farthest oil and gas platform from the mainland of the Vietnam Oil and Gas Group (PVN).

The ceremony is a declaration of national sovereignty over sea and islands, helping educate participants on patriotism and national pride, inspiring them to work harder for national development.

Biendong POC’s flag-salute ceremonies set Guinness Vietnam record ảnh 3Ngo Huu Hai, General Director of Biendong POC receives the certificate from Guinness Vietnam (Source:

Biendong POC is currently the second largest supplier of gas in Vietnam and one of the major units of the PVN in oil and gas exploration and exploitation. The firm has shown strong performance in contributing to ensuring security at sea and affirming national sovereignty over sea and islands./.

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