Bomb weighing 300kg found in Dak Nong province

A bomb weighing nearly 300kg has been discovered in Tuy Duc district in the Central Highland province of Dak Nong.
Bomb weighing 300kg found in Dak Nong province ảnh 1Illustrative photo (Photo: VNA)

Dak Nong (VNA) – A bomb weighing nearly 300kg has been discovered in Tuy Duc district in the Central Highland province of Dak Nong. 

The Military Command of Tuy Duc district is making procedures to destroy the bomb, the second of its kind found in the district in 2016. 

Local residents discovered the bomb lying 0.5 metres underground. The bomb is 1.6 metre long and has a diameter of 0.3 metres. 

The bomb was deformed and its painted signs were lost due to being underground for a long time. 

The scene is quarantined and protected by the Military Command of Tuy Duc district, to ensure safety before the destruction.-VNA


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