BridgeFest 2022 set for Da Nang

Popular artists from around the world and Vietnam will perform at the 6th annual music and community festival – BridgeFest 2022 – at Bien Dong (East Sea) Park, in the central city on August 27.
BridgeFest 2022 set for Da Nang ảnh 1A night was sparking the Han River view in Da Nang.  (Photo courtesy by Le Quang Thien)
Da Nang (VNS/VNA) - Popular artists from around the world and Vietnamwill perform at the 6th annual music and community festival – BridgeFest 2022 –at Bien Dong (East Sea) Park, in the central city on August 27.

The artists include the American acapella group BackTrack Vocals, Da LAB, akaNikola H. Mounoud from Switzerland, My Anh, Buc Tuong band, Kimmese, Brainwave,Minh Toc; Lam, and Mesid3.

The theme of BridgeFest 2022 is ‘Be the Change Toward a Human Economy’,encouraging all to realise the importance of humanity and our sharedenvironment above all else.

BridgeFest – a free music and community festival open to the public -encourages youth to be agents to reduce social inequality. This concept hasresonated with the Vietnamese people and has become the essence of BridgeFestsince its inception.

This year, 32 social organisations, enterprises, and youth clubs came togetherfrom across the country to make BridgeFest happen.

These partnerships represent concerted efforts to resolve social problemsrelating to the environment, education, healthcare, cultural, sexual and genderidentity, persons with disabilities, women and children toward a better future.

After five successful years based in Hanoi, BridgeFest has become an excitingevent that young people look forward to every year.

The most recent BridgeFest in 2020 was held at Dong Kinh Nghia Thuc Square in Hanoiand attracted more than 15,000 people.

BridgeFest 2022 marks the first time the festival will be held in Da Nang, andorganisers hope it will spread a meaningful message to a new audience.

BridgeFest 2022 Music and Community Festival is open to the public from 3pm to10pm on the beach of Da Nang. Everyone is welcome to enjoy a magnificent musicexperience for free.

Bridgefest is jointly organised and sponsored by Da Nang People’s Committee,Ministry of Cultural, Sports and Tourism, United States Mission to Vietnam, theSwiss Embassy, and talented, driven, and ambitious Vietnamese youth.

Vu Thi Quynh Hoa of Oxfam underscored the significance of young people: “I feelproud seeing young people who are passionate about music and are enthusiasticand engaged in social activities at BridgeFest. We hope more people,businesses, and organisations participate in social activities to help spreadthis positive message of moving our society towards a human economy.”

BridgeFest 2022 marks the first year of the Swiss Embassy participating as oneof the event organisers.

Nicole Wyrsch, Chargé de Affaires of the Swiss Embassy, said: “Looking at thesix-year journey of the programme, we think BridgeFest is a significantprogramme that spreads many good messages. The Swiss Embassy and its partnershope that BridgeFest 2022 will be an interesting highlight of summer 2022, notonly in terms of music but also in humanistic activities.”

Formerly known as South East Asian Pride 2016 – a music event honouringdiversity and equality in society, BridgeFest has been held for fiveconsecutive years and has become a signature community event that attracts alarge audience and spreads inspirational messages about equality and socialintegration.

Since 2017, BridgeFest has been co-organised by Oxfam and the US Embassy.

BridgeFest is part of Oxfam’s worldwide campaign ‘Even It Up – Bridging theGap,’ which aims to help eliminate inequality./.

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