Buddha’s birthday anniversary this year: Enlightening the world with light of compassion and wisdom

According to the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha, the Buddha’s birthday serves as a chance to recall his noble life and teachings full of compassion and wisdom. It is a practical measure to soothe pain and suffering.

Participants perform Buddha bathing ritual. (Photo: VietnamPlus)
Participants perform Buddha bathing ritual. (Photo: VietnamPlus)

Hanoi (VNA) - The Vietnam Buddhist Sangha on May 22, or the 15th of the lunar April, held a grand ceremony at the office of its Central Committee at Quan Su pagoda in Hanoi to mark the 2,568th birthday of Buddha.

Prominent among the participants were Most Venerable Thich Thien Nhon, Chairman of the Executive Council of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha, former Vice State President Nguyen Thi Doan, and leading officials of the Party Central Committee’s Commission of Mass Mobilisation, the Ministry of the Home Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Public Security, along with representatives of foreign embassies in Hanoi.

Reading out the message on the occasion by the President of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha, Most Venerable Thich Thien Nhon said the ceremony this year is a chance for everyone to recall Buddha’s noble life and the selfless teachings full of compassion, love and wisdom. Those are not only a source of comfort but also the presentation of practical ways to soothe personal pain and suffering, thus creating an environment of peace for all, he stressed.

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Delegates, officials and Buddhist followers at the ceremony. (Photo: VietnamPlus)

On behalf of the permanent committee of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha, the President also called on monks, nuns, and followers to pray for an end to wars and hatred, to spread love to all people, and to enlighten the world with the light of compassion and wisdom.

In his speech, Most Venerable Thich Thanh Nhieu, Permanent Vice Chairman of the Executive Council of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha, sent greetings of peace to all the Vietnamese monks, nuns, and followers, both inside and outside the country.

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Buddhist followers conduct a prayer. (Photo: VietnamPlus)

According to him, the anniversary of Buddha’s birthday this year coincides with the 70th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu Victory (May7, 1954 – May 7, 1924) which was vibrantly celebrated all over the country.

Looking back at that historical stage, Vietnamese Buddhism is proud of its contributions to the resounding victory of the nation, helping create the Vietnamese mettle and wisdom with generations of monks joining the struggle in 1947.

Most Venerable Thich Thanh Nhieu also reminded monks and nuns to uphold their sense of responsibility, keep the discipline, and complete their missions. Monks and nuns at pagodas and practicing establishments should renovate their ways of guiding followers to make them suitable to every social stratum, helping provide a good care to their spiritual health.

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An overview of the ceremony at Quan Su pagoda. (Photo: VietnamPlus)

Touching upon the significance of the anniversary, Most Venerable Thich Bao Nghiem, Vice Chairman of the Executive Council of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha, said this year bears the hallmark of intensive development and international integration of Buddhism along with the nation.

The Most Venerable asked that every follower strive to join hands with the Sangha in encouraging and practicing good deeds, successfully applying Buddha’s teachings to their daily life, spreading the message of peace, and contributing to the building of a state of prosperity, a world of peace, and people enjoying harmony./.


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