Buddhist Sangha’s Dien Bien chapter convenes congress

The second congress of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha (VBS) chapter in the northern mountainous province of Dien Bien took place in Dien Bien Phu city on March 19.
Buddhist Sangha’s Dien Bien chapter convenes congress ảnh 1At the congress (Source: dienbien.gov.vn

Dien Bien (VNA)
- The second congress of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha (VBS) chapter in the northern mountainous province of Dien Bien took place in Dien Bien Phu city on March 19.

The congress elected 27 members to the provincial VBS Executive Committee for the 2017-2020 tenure, with Most Venerable Thich Duc Thien continuing acting as its Chairman.

The congress also selected four members to participate in the 8th National Buddhist Congress for the 2017-2020 tenure, and set out the orientations and tasks for the new term.

In the last tenure, local Buddhist dignitaries and followers have raised more than 13 billion VND (570,500 USD) to help local poor households, build two kindergarten schools for Nam Po district and two charity houses for ethnic minority households in Phin Ho.

The chapter has also held numerous activities, such as Buddhist festivals and workshops on Buddhism.

On the occasion, a number of units and individuals received certificates of merit for their contributions to Buddhist affairs and the nation.-VNA

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