Ca Mau’s seafood exports fall

Ca Mau province has had difficulties meeting its seafood export turnover goal of 1.35 billion USD this year, according to the provincial Association of Seafood Processors and Exporters.
Ca Mau’s seafood exports fall ảnh 1Farming shrimp in Ca Mau province (Source:

The southernmost province of Ca Mau has had difficulties meeting its seafood export turnover goal of 1.35 billion USD this year, according to the provincial Association of Seafood Processors and Exporters.

The locality’s seafood export turnover is expected to reach only 89 percent of its yearly target. Export turnover in the first nine months of this year was valued at 700 million USD, a year-on-year decrease of 31 percent.

Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee Nguyen Tien Hai attributed the slow turnover to shrimp farming areas’ current recovery in a number of countries worldwide and the reduced price of exported shrimp.

He asked enterprises to work together to overcome the difficulties, saying that it was necessary to enhance trade promotion and seek new export markets in order to reach the export targets.

Local authorities pledged to continue to facilitate enterprises’ production and business, while promoting administrative reform, helping businesses access credit loans and loosening tax policies.

Enterprises will also be given information on international integration, including how to fully tap advantages brought about by free trade deals such as the Trans-pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement.

Ca Mau will continue working to expand shrimp farming areas and industrial aquaculture models in order to maximise the potential and strength of the locality, which is considered the country’s biggest shrimp farm.-VNA


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