Cambodia determined to preserve sound relations with Vietnam: Senate President

Cambodia is determined to preserve the friendship, solidarity, and collaboration with Vietnam under the motto of good neighborliness, traditional friendship, and sustainable and long-term cooperation, said President of the Senate Samdech Vibol Sena Phekdei Say Chhum.
Cambodia determined to preserve sound relations with Vietnam: Senate President ảnh 1Vietnamese Ambassador to Cambodia Nguyen Huy Tang (L) and President of the Senate Samdech Vibol Sena Phekdei Say Chhum. (Photo: VNA)
Phnom Penh (VNA) – Cambodia is determined to preserve the friendship, solidarity, and collaboration with Vietnam under the motto of good neighborliness, traditional friendship, and sustainable and long-term cooperation, said President of the Senate Samdech Vibol Sena Phekdei Say Chhum.

Making his statement while receiving newly-appointed Vietnamese Ambassador to Cambodia Nguyen Huy Tang on November 26, the President said he will direct competent Cambodian agencies to work closely with their Vietnamese partners to effectively implement bilateral agreements between the two nations.

Congratulating Tang on his appointment as the ambassador to Cambodia, Say Chhum expressed his belief that the diplomat, with his diverse experience, will contribute positively to the friendship and cooperative relations between the two countries as well as between the Cambodian Senate and the Vietnamese National Assembly.

For his part, Tang affirmed the Vietnamese Party, State, Government and people always remember Cambodia’s assistance to Vietnam in different periods.

He also congratulated Cambodia on its great achievements under the leadership of King Norodom Sihamoni, the Senate, the National Assembly, and the Government, particularly in COVID-19 prevention and control and effective vaccination rollout, which has helped to bring the socio-economic life in Cambodia to a new normal.

Expressing his delight at the fine cooperation and strong development of relations between the two countries over the past time, the Ambassador vowed to do his best to contribute to fostering the ties, especially in politics, diplomacy, security, defense, economy, trade, agriculture and the fight against COVID-19, among other fields.

Say Chhum took the occasion to thank the Vietnamese Party, State, National Assembly, Government and people for their support and assistance to Cambodia in any circumstances, particularly Vietnam’s support for Cambodia’s hosting of international and regional events./.

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