Cambodian King lauds thriving cooperation with Vietnam

Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni applauded the unceasing development of his country’s comprehensive ties with Vietnam while receiving new Vietnamese Ambassador Nguyen Huy Tang, who came to present his credentials on October 25.
Cambodian King lauds thriving cooperation with Vietnam ảnh 1Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni (R) and Vietnamese Ambassador Nguyen Huy Tang (second from right) at the meeting on October 25 (Photo: VNA)
Phnom Penh (VNA) – Cambodian King Norodom Sihamoni applauded the unceasing development of his country’s comprehensive ties with Vietnam while receiving new Vietnamese Ambassador Nguyen Huy Tang, who came to present his credentials on October 25.

Welcoming the diplomat, the king of Cambodia emphasised the significance of the time-tested solidarity and friendship between the two peoples, noting with satisfaction that the all-round cooperation between Vietnam and Cambodia has been developing unceasingly as seen in high-level mutual visits, as well as expanding relations between their ministries, sectors, and in different areas.

He voiced his hope that the obtained achievements will be maintained and brought into play so as to benefit both sides.

He also spoke highly of Vietnam’s comprehensive development and wished Tang a successful term with numerous contributions to bilateral relations.

Expressing his honour to be appointed the Vietnamese Ambassador to Cambodia, Tang appreciated King Sihamoni’s sentiment and attention towards Vietnam and the long-standing solidarity and friendship between the two countries.

He hailed the flourishing comprehensive cooperation between the two countries, along with the enormous attainments the Cambodian people have gained, especially their consensus to surmount every difficulty and challenge in the COVID-19 combat.

The ambassador said he believes that under the judicious rule of King Sihamoni and the clear-sighted leadership of the Cambodian Senate, National Assembly and Government, the people of Cambodia will continue harvesting even greater successes on the path to build a kingdom of peace, stability and prosperous development.

Tang pledged utmost efforts to nurture the two countries’ traditional and close-knit relations, thereby helping develop their sound neighbourliness, traditional friendship, and comprehensive, sustainable, and long-term cooperation in an increasingly substantive and effective manner.

On this occasion, he conveyed the Vietnamese leaders’ best wishes to King Sihamoni and the Queen Mother. The Cambodian King offered thanks and wished the Vietnamese people more and greater achievements in national development./.

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