Cambodia to deploy free vaccination for garment workers

The Cambodian Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training has called for preparations for vaccination of garment workers, as the government prioritised them in the list of people to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
Cambodia to deploy free vaccination for garment workers ảnh 1Illustrative image (Photo: Internet)

Phnom Penh (VNA) – The Cambodian Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training has called for preparations for vaccination of garment workers, as the government prioritised them in the list of people to be vaccinated against COVID-19.

In a letter sent to the Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia (GMAC), Minister Ith Samheng asked GMAC to work with garment factories to make a list of medical staff (one doctor from each factory) to get training for COVID-19 vaccination.

"To protect the health of garment workers and employees as well as for the benefit of factories from the COVID-19 infection, the government will conduct a COVID-19 vaccination campaign for free of charge to garment workers and employees in the near future," read the letter.

Additionally, the ministry asked the factory owners to inform to garment workers and employees over the campaign and the vaccination is made based on a voluntary basis.

Cambodia has been conducting a nationwide COVID-19 vaccination campaign after receiving 600,000 doses of China-made Sinopharm and 324,000 doses of India-made AstraZeneca via COVAX mechanism.

More vaccines are going to arrive later this month and before the Khmer New Year in April.

According to the ministry’s letter, the COVID-19 vaccination will be made at the factories as the ministry asked the owners to prepare a venue for the vaccination work.

It also asked factories to allow a paid day-off for workers and employees after getting their doses.

Currently, GMAC has about 600 factories as members.

By the morning of March 24, Cambodia had recorded 1,817 COVID-19 cases, of them 1,033 have recovered from the disease./.    


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