Cambodia to halt entertainment activities during July general election

Entertainment businesses in Cambodia are asked to halt their activities on July 22-23 to ensure the country’s 7th National Assembly election goes smoothly, according to the Ministry of Tourism.
Cambodia to halt entertainment activities during July general election ảnh 1 A cyclist rides past an electoral hoarding of Cambodia's Prime Minister and leader of the ruling Cambodian People's Party (CPP) Hun Sen, in Phnom Penh on July 26, 2018.(Photo: AFP/VNA)

Phnom Penh (VNA) – Entertainment businesses in Cambodia are asked to halt their activities on July 22-23 to ensure the country’s 7th National Assembly election goes smoothly, according to the Ministry of Tourism.

In a directive issued on May 16, the ministry requested entertainment establishments including karaoke parlors, bars, discos, nightclubs, and pubs nationwide to temporarily suspend operations on July 22-23. However, tourism businesses can serve food and soft drink but not beer and alcohol during the two days.

The ministry asked the directors of tourism departments in provinces and cities to inform and instruct owners and managers of tourism service businesses to implement the request. The move is expected to help prevent violence, traffic accidents, and incidents that drinking can cause.

As of mid-May, 18 political parties in Cambodia were recognised by the National Election Committee (NEC) for the upcoming election. To date, the NEC has also recognised 15,169 domestic observers and special guests to oversee the election. As many as 190 reporters from 30 domestic and international press agencies and media are allowed to report about the election.

Cambodia is scheduled to hold a general election for the 125-seat National Assembly on July 23, 2023, and more than 9.7 million Cambodians have registered to cast their ballots.

In the last general election held five years ago, 20 political parties participated in the race. As a result, the ruling Cambodian People's Party won all the 125 seats in the parliament./.


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