The session was co-organised by the Ministry of Agriculturaland Rural Development (MARD), the municipal People’s Committee and other unitsinvolved, discussing the organisation of the event.
The 2022 Agritechnica Asia Live aims to foster sustainablemechanisation by demonstrating the use of up-to-date technologies in the localcropping systems. It is expected to attract 3,000 – 4,000 participants,including farmers, machinery owners, service providers, scientists, andbusinessmen, in Vietnam and abroad.
Katharina Staske, managing director of the GermanAgricultural Society (DLG) in Thailand, said the effectiveness of demonstrationsof agricultural machines and advanced technology is obvious and has been provenover the years.
The DLG is the organiser of the Agritechnica Asia events.
The Agritechnica Asia Live in Can Tho is different fromother editions, as apart from the display of equipment, mechanisation machineryand technology in agricultural production, field demonstrations are scheduled,she added.
Deputy Minister of Agricultural and Rural Development TranThanh Nam said helping cut cost and increase productivity in farming production,mechanization has been applied in many agricultural stages in Vietnam.
Upcoming field demonstrations are important in changingfarmers’ awareness of the application for improved production value chains, theofficial noted.
Nam recommended partners involved in the organisation of thetrade fair outline benefits that farmers in the Delta can benefit from thisevent; and select and organise equipment and machinery suitable to the mechanisationchain in Vietnam’s fields so that people can apply the modernmachines on their fields./.