Dak Nong (VNA) – Localities andunits in the Central Highlands need to jointly take measures to ensure maximumsecurity and safety for the upcoming APEC 2017 Economic Leaders’ Week slatedfor November 6-11 in the central city of Da Nang, said Minister of PublicSecurity To Lam.
Addressing a conference to review theregion’s crackdowns on criminals and armed gangs on October 30, Minister Lamhighly valued the achievements made by the police of the five Central Highlandsprovinces.
He noted that the provincial PoliceDepartment should give advice to local authorities on measures to promote the combinedstrength of the entire political system in combating crimes, particularly theorganised ones, forest land disputes and encroachment, homicide, and childabuse.
[APEC 2017: Da Nang holds emergency responding drill]
Police force needs to continue cooperatingwith relevant bodies in preventing and fighting drug smuggling in the Vietnam –Laos – Cambodia border areas, he said, adding that focus should be put onbuilding the Party and police force while honouring individuals and units foroutstanding efforts in the fight against crimes.
Over the past years, the Central Highlandshas faced numerous serious social problems, such as murder, child abuse,robbery and gambling.
With the joint efforts of localauthorities, relevant bodies and communities, the regional police forces havecompleted and surpassed their targets, particularly in reducing the number of criminalcases and detecting more economic, environmental and drug-related violations.
On the occasion, 12 units and 12individuals were honoured for their outstanding contributions to the anti-crimefight.-VNA