Thezero-dong mini supermarket, as these have been dubbed, stocks food items suchas sugar, milk, rice, eggs, cooking oil, fish sauce, seasoning, monosodiumglutamate, instant porridge and noodles, fresh foods, vegetables, and fruits,besides medical supplies.
Morethan 200 families in Hiep Binh Phuoc benefit from it, with each householdreceiving three tickets worth 200,000 VND (8.7 USD) each to pick up goods fromthe store.
Setup by Phu Nhuan Jewelry (PNJ), it is open from 8am to 5pm every day, and peoplehave to stagger their visits to ensure not too many people gather at a timeamid the pandemic.
Thestores are part of the “Vong tay Viet” programme carried out by PNJ, the city’sDepartment of Industry and Trade, the Business Association of High QualityVietnamese Goods, Young Employee Assistance Centre, and HCM City Associationfor Women Executives and Entrepreneurs.
Theprogramme also includes delivery of essential goods to locked down andquarantine areas to support residents as well those on the frontlines ofthe COVID-19 fight in HCM City.
CaoThị Ngọc Dung, PNJ Chairwoman, said, “The zero-dong mini supermarket chain … ishelping people temporarily forget their financial worries amid the pandemic.”/.