China has also announced a long –term low – interest loan valued at 500 million USD for other equipment, theminister added.
He also noted that the offer camefrom Chinese Ambassador to the Philippines Zhao Jianhua who met PresidentRodrigo Duterte on December 19.
China made the offer after the USpostponed a sale of 26,000 rifles to the Philippines’ police forces due toconcerns over anti-drug campaigns in the Southeast Asian country.
The Philippines might use the 14million USD grant to acquire small arms, speed boats and night-vision goggles andexpects to receive the equipment in the second quarter of 2017, MinisterLorenzana told media.
Since President Duterte tookpower in July, the Philippines has adjusted its foreign policy, thus tighteningits relations with China, despite tensions between the two sides following the country’slawsuit against China’ claims on the East Sea at the international court in TheHague (the Netherlands).-VNA