The consensus was reached during a meeting betweenSingapore's Deputy Prime Minister Heng Swee Keat and Chinese State Councilorand Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Singapore on September 13.
During their meeting, Wang and Heng noted the excellentrelationship between Singapore and China, and the progress made in deepeningcooperation, even amidst the disruptions caused by COVID-19, the Singaporean Ministryof Foreign Affairs (MFA) said in a news release.
They also looked forward to the upcoming 17th Joint Council for BilateralCooperation this year, which will be co-chaired by Heng and China’s VicePremier of the State Council Han Zheng, the MFA added.
On the COVID-19 pandemic, the guest said China is willing tojoin hands with Singapore to work on medicine research and development andvirus research, among others, and to jointly oppose vaccine nationalism, so asto make contribution to the regional anti-pandemic course and the building of acommunity of common health for mankind.
The host said Singapore is willing to continue promoting the cooperation with Chinain the fields of pandemic prevention and control, digital economy, greenfinance and climate change, among others.
On the same day, Wang also had a meeting with SingaporeanForeign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan, during which they reaffirmed the strongties between Singapore and China.
They discussed ways to further strengthen relations,including by sustaining high‑level exchanges; advancing cooperation onSingapore’s Government-to-Government projects with China in Suzhou, Tianjin,and Chongqing; and exploring new areas of cooperation such as the digitaleconomy.
They also looked forward to the early entry into force ofthe Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), which has been ratifiedby both Singapore and China.
Minister Balakrishnan welcomed China’s interest in theComprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP).
They also exchanged views on regional and internationaldevelopments, including ways to deepen cooperation between ASEAN and China, inconjunction with the 30th anniversary of ASEAN-China dialogue relations thisyear./.