Hanoi (VNA) – The Chinese Embassy in Vietnam met with local reporters inHanoi on April 13 to brief them about the country’s major internal and externalpolicies after meetings of the 13th National People’s Congress andthe 13th National Committee of the Chinese People’s PoliticalConsultative Conference.
Charged’affaires of the Chinese Embassy in Vietnam Yin Haihong said that in the pastfive years, China’s posted an annual average growth rate of 7.1 percent, whileits contribution to the world economy rose from 11.4 percent to 15 percent.
Duringthe period, people’s consumption contributing to the country’s economic growthincreased from 54.9 percent to 58.8 percent, she said, adding that the ratio ofservice sector rose from 45.3 percent to 51.6 percent, making it a majormotivation of China’s economic development.
China’surbanization ratio rose from 52.6 percent to 58.5 percent, while itscontributions in technological advance increased from 52.2 percent to 57.5percent. Its poverty rate dropped to 3.1 percent from 10.2 percent, said Yin.
Whilehighlighting the relationship between China and Vietnam, Yin said that Chinahas always paid much attention to developing relations with Vietnam.
Shenoted that after the 19th National Congress of the Communist Partyof China, Party General Secretary and Chinese President Xi Jinping choseVietnam as the destination for his first visit abroad, showing China’s greatattention to the bilateral relations between the two countries.
Thediplomat said that after the two important meetings in 2018, Chinese StateCouncilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi visited Vietnam, marking the first visitto a foreign nation by a leader of the new Chinese government after themeetings.
Accordingto Yin, China and China are maintaining a sound relationship that is entering anew period. Two-way trade exceeded 100 billion USD in 2017, she said, addingthat China has been the biggest trade partner of Vietnam in many years. About10 million people of both countries have visited each other’s country.
Yinstressed that the two nations should boost cross-border cooperation, whilefostering connectivity and seeking stronger partnership in economy, trade,investment, culture, tourism, military affairs, law enforcement andscience-technology.
TheChinese official also highlighted the role of the press in boosting the growthof bilateral ties and enhancing mutual understanding between people of the twocountries.
Shesaid China welcomes Vietnamese reporters to visit China to introduce the developmentof the relations between the two Parties, nations and people, affirming that theChinese Embassy in Vietnam is willing to support and prioritise jounalists.
Regardingprioritised areas in Vietnam-China cooperative ties in the coming time, Yinsaid that the two sides will continue maintaining meetings and mutual visits bysenior leaders of the two Parties and countries, while stepping up cooperationin the areas of investment, labour, culture, tourism, people-to-people exchanges,and media.-VNA