Hanoi (VNA) – The ImmigrationDepartment under the Public Security Ministry confirmed that a British citizennamed Christopher John Trinnaman born on January 21, 1978, had enteredVietnam on April 9 this year and departed on May 3.
The department revealed theinformation after the UK’s Mirror newspaper reported that a British man named ChristopherTrinnaman, a convicted paedophile who was released from prison in 2015, hadappeared recently in Vietnam.
According to the department, thecase of Christopher John Trinnaman is not among those which are banned fromentering Vietnam under the country’s law on entry, exit, transit and residenceof foreigners (Articles 10 and 21). It said the man was granted a visa forforeigners working for enterprises in Vietnam.
The department added thatVietnam currently unilaterally exempts visas for citizens from 13 countries,including the UK, for a 15-day stay. The UK is also among 80 countries whosecitizens can get an online visa of Vietnam.
“At present there is noinformation about Christopher John Trinnaman’s violations of Vietnam’sentry and exit regulations or actions that are inappropriate to or violateVietnam’s law when he was in Vietnam,” the department said, noting that it iscontacting the UK’s diplomatic mission in Vietnam to verify information relatedto the case.
The department affirmed that itwill coordinate with relevant agencies to proactively take actions to preventcriminals from entering the country.-VNA