While chairing the monthly cabinet meeting onFebruary 28 in Hanoi, PM Dung said it is crucial to focus onstepping up business privatisation, while strengthening management andsupervision over the state-owned sector.
Reviewingthe country’s socio-economic performance during the first two months ofthis year, the PM said positive changes were seen in various fields. Itis important for the country to continue working to fulfil the yearlytasks and targets for 2014, he said.
He also askedfor quicker disbursement in capital for construction sourced by bonds,the budget and official development assistance (ODA) on a par with theclose supervision of construction quality.
Moresupport should be given to foreign-invested enterprises in theimplementation of their projects. At the same time, ministries, sectorsand localities should effectively apply measures to remove difficultiesfor businesses to boost production, he said.
PM Dungdirected the State Bank of Vietnam to seek suitable solutions toboost credit growth, quickly injecting credit capital into the economy,improving access to capital for enterprises, especially those operatingin prioritised sectors, thus fuelling the recovery and development ofthe economy.
At the same time, the PM also requestedministries, sectors and localities to continue ensuring the effectiveimplementation of social welfare policies.
Regardingissues related to the over 100-year-old Long Bien bridge, PM Dung heldthat with its historical importance, the bridge should be preserved tokeep its original features.
He also said it isnecessary to restore and conduct maintenance on the bridge to exploit itin an effective manner. The building of a new bridge close by should becarefully calculated to ensure the most feasible plan.
According to a report by the Ministry of Planning and Investment, inthe first two months of 2014, the country recorded a trade surplus withsurges in exports as well as industrial and agricultural productionvalues.
The disbursement of ODA and FDI capitalcontinues to rise compared to the same period last year, while theservice sector also saw good results, said the report, adding that thenumber of foreign arrivals to Vietnam also increased sharply.
A strong performance was also seen in social security, it said, notingthat people nationwide celebrated the Lunar New Year festival in a safeand joyful manner.
Regarding specific measures tosolve difficulties in business and production, many cabinet membersproposed that the Government prioritise credit for the agriculturalsector and rural areas, while intensifying investment promotion andexpanding the export market, especially for key agricultural products.
According to Minister of Agriculture and RuralDevelopment Cao Duc Phat, ministries and authorised agencies should workmore closely with the ministry to seek and broaden export markets formajor agricultural products, especially rice.
At thesame time, he also called for ministries, sectors and localities tokeep a close eye on and strengthen coordination in the inspection andquarantine of poultry, strictly supervising the cross-border trade oflivestock and fowl, and minimising the spread of epidemics across theborder, especially in the northern region.
Meanwhile, Deputy Prime Ministers Nguyen Xuan Phuc and Hoang Trung Haiunderscored the necessary improvement of the domestic businessenvironment and the effective implementation of policies to attractforeign investment.
They asked the Ministry ofPlanning and Investment to coordinate with other ministries to findmeasures to assist new enterprises, while eradicating obstacles for BOT(build-operate-transfer) projects.
Mentioning waysto pick up business, Deputy Prime Minister Vu Van Ninh said thepromotion of production should be closely attached with the search forand forecast of markets. He held that it is necessary to pay specialattention to the adjustment of agricultural product structure to suitthe demand of markets.
Sharing his counterparts’opinions, Deputy PM Vu Duc Dam added that more efforts should be made tospeed up the reform of education and training.
During the meeting, participants also gave opinions on a report on theimplementation of a resolution on the completion of thesocialist-orientated market economy. They also discussed ways tostrengthen the market mechanism in the global economic integrationperiod.
They heard a report on tasks and solutionsto better the business environment and enhance national competitivenessin the 2014-2015 period, as well as measures to settle debts for theVietnam National Shipping Lines (Vinalines).
Cabinet members also tabled the revised draft Law on State Budget.-VNA