Lieutenant Pham Van Trung from the border post at Moc Baiborder gate in the southern province of Tay Ninh, which shares 240km of borderwith Cambodia, underlined that the joint border patrols between Vietnamese andCambodian border guard forces play a significant role in firmly protecting theborderline and border markers of both sides.
Lieutenant General Chhoeun Bunchhorn, Director of Cambodia’sPray Veng province Police Department, said that the force hasmaintained good cooperation with the border guards of Tay Ninh, whileexchanging information to deal with trans-border criminals. The two sides willcontinue to foster collaboration to complete their assigned tasks and control criminals from crossing the border, he stated.
Colonel Le Van Vy, Commander of the Tay Ninh Border GuardCommand, said that external relations work has been a bright spot of the force,especially in 2023 when various exchange activities were held, along with thesigning of many cooperation agreements.
Last year, border guards of Tay Ninh busted a ring of cross-border drug traffickers, apprehending eightsuspects and seizing 5kilos of meth, 50 bricks of heroin. Meanwhile,the force broke 33 smuggling cases, and 68 cases of illegal entry and exit,said Vy.
The official said that in order to enhance the efficiency ofbilateral collaboration, the two sides plan to review and sign coordinationprogrammes, and establish twinning relations between border protection andmanagement forces of the two sides, while showing stronger performance inexchanging information, especially on trans-border criminals.
The forces of the two sides will also maintain regular exchange and collaborationin settling cases happening in the shared border area in the spirit ofsolidarity, friendship, cooperation, and mutual understanding, he added./.