As many as seven deaths were reported due to cold weather or carbonmonoxide poisoning from coal braziers in the central provinces ofQuang Nam , Quang Tri and Phu Yen.
The incidence ofcold-related diseases rose 15 percent nation-wide, said Luong Ngoc Khue,director of the Ministry of Health's Health Examination and TreatmentDepartment.
"Almost all of the patients are children or the elderly hospitalised with symptoms of respiratory disease," Khue said.
Health experts have advised people of the risks of carbon monoxideexposure and have also warned parents not carry their children bymotorbike in the cold weather.
Statistics from theLivestock Breeding Department under the Ministry of Agriculture andRural Development show that the prolonged cold weather has killed over17,000 cows and buffaloes mainly in the northern provinces of Son La,Lao Cai, Lai Chau and Cao Bang.
In addition, peach and kumquat trees are unlikely to be able to bloom during Tet due to the freezing temperatures./.