Cold spell continues to chill northern region

A cold spell will continue to blanket the north of Vietnam in the next few days, worsened by frost in the mountainous region, according to the National Hydro-meteorological Forecasting Centre.
A cold spell will continue to blanket the north of Vietnam in the next few days, worsened by frost in the mountainous region, according to the National Hydro-meteorological Forecasting Centre.

The ongoing cold spell began five days ago.

The temperature was recorded at minus 0.9 degree Celsius in Lai Chau province’s Sin Ho district and minus 1.1 degree Celsius on Mau Son peak in Lang Son province, a rare phenomenon in the tropical country.

However, the centre said that the weather will be better during the Christmas holiday.

The temperature is forecast at 18-20 degree Celsius in the day time, and 11-13 degree Celsius at night.-VNA

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