The campaign, sponsored by the Ministryof Culture, Sports and Tourism, will be conducted in 11 cities andprovinces in the central coastal region and the Central Highlands of TayNguyen. It aims to raise public awareness about the sacred nationalsovereignty and encourage people to unite to protect the nationalsovereignty in line with domestic and international law.
Addressing the campaign’s launch, Deputy Minister of Culture, Sportsand Tourism Huynh Vinh Ai said as tensions in the East Sea escalate dueto China’s illegal acts, all Vietnamese should unite to struggle forpeace and territorial integrity.
On theoccasion, Vice Chairman of Quang Ngai province’s People’s Committeecalled on fishermen in the province to follow in the footstep of theirancestors who were sailors in the Hoang Sa Flotilla in the past, tosafeguard the national sovereignty over the sea and islands.
The same day, nearly 5,000 young people in Ho Chi Minh Cityparticipated in a festival on the theme of seas and islands. A conteston the country’s seas and islands attracted many youths, while manyothers joined a forum to discuss ways to boost socio-economicdevelopment on islands and voice their opinions about issues relating todefending national sovereignty at sea.-VNA