The average bond maturity was 3.97 years. Three-year bonds accounted for thelargest proportion with an issued value of 22.6 trillion VND, followed byfive-year bonds with 5.1 trillion VND and two-year and 10-year bonds withissued values of 3.2 trillion VND and 3.08 trillion VND, respectively.
Real estate was the largest issuing group with a total issued value of 11.7trillion VND, equivalent to 30 per cent of the total issued value of themarket. Credit institutions ranked second with 10.03 trillion VND, equivalentto 26 percent.
Sovico Group JSC and Saigon Glory Co Ltd were the two largest single collectorsin August as they both mobilised 5 trillion VND.
Masan Group JSC collected nearly 4.1 trillion VND, VPBank earned 2.5trillion VND and LienVietPostBank raised the same amount.
Novaland mobilised 2.2 trillion VND, FE Credit collected 1.9 trillion VND andthe Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam attained 1.9 trillionVND. Phu Long Real Estate JSC earned 1.8 trillion VND and Thanh Cong TradingServices Investment and Construction Company Limited mobilised 1 trillion VND.
In the first eight months of this year, 237.7 trillion VND was mobilisedby enterprises via bonds.
The corporate bond market is expected to flourish in the third quarter a d thenstep back in the fourth quarter in anticipation of regulatory amendments whichwill impose restrictions on bond trading from early September.
Since the beginning of this year, the Ministry of Finance has issued warningsabout risks which might arise from the abuse of this capital-raising channel,giving out recommendations to investors and market participants.
The ministry has made public a draft decree to amend several points of Decree163/2018/NĐ-CP about corporate bond issuance for comments, which includesamendments of conditions for corporate bond issuance, rates, issuance indomestic and international markets, information disclosure and reportingmechanisms.
The draft has been submitted to the Government and is expected to take effectin early September.
Under the draft, regulations about bond yields and bond transactions would betightened./.