Confederation of ASEAN journalists celebrate 40th anniversary

Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam has urged ASEAN media, press organisations and journalists to be in the vanguard of steering public opinions towards fine values.
Confederation of ASEAN journalists celebrate 40th anniversary ảnh 1Illustrative image (Source:

Hanoi (VNA) – Deputy Prime Minister Vu Duc Dam has urged ASEAN media, press organisations and journalists to be in the vanguard of steering public opinions towards fine values for the sake of regional and global prosperity.

In his speech to a ceremony celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Confederation of ASEAN Journalists (CAJ) in Hanoi on November 27, he hailed the upcoming birth of the ASEAN Community slated for later this year, which is concurrent with the CAJ’s anniversary.

Amid the complicated developments in the region and the world, he stressed the role and responsibility of the CAJ and ASEAN press in strengthening mutual understanding and cooperation between nations as well as holding up justice in settling disputes by peaceful means and in accordance with international law.

He said the audiences’ loyalty lies on the rapid, accurate and subjective news coverage which distinguishes mainstream media from unverified news sources.

The Deputy PM believed that the outcomes of meetings between journalists at the ceremony and the 18th General Assembly of the CAJ would lay out specific action plans for the CAJ and journalists’ association in each country.

President of the Vietnam Journalists’ Association (VJA) Thuan Huu, who has recently been elected as CAJ President, said ASEAN press has become a cultural bridge for member states to get closer.

As the ASEAN Community is to arrive later this year, he said the CAJ is responsible for building an ASEAN entity closely intertwined in the political-security, economic and socio-cultural pillars, he added.

On the occasion, the organising board presented one first, one second, one third and five consolation prizes to ASEAN photojournalists for their climate change-themed entries.

The first prize went to Nova Wahyudi from Indonesia Journalists’ Association. Pham Bang from VJA won the third prize.

Launched in Indonesia in 1975, the CAJ had its humble beginning with five founding members of Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. It has so far grouped seven official country members, three affiliate members and five observers outside the region.

The VJA joined the organisation in 1995, the same year when Vietnam became an ASEAN member.-VNA


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