At the event, whichdrew the participation of more than 300 delegates from ministries,sectors, 28 coastal localities nationwide and fishermen communities,officials from the Ministries of Agriculture and Rural Development andFinance presented a number of draft circulars guiding the implementationof Decree 67/2014/ND-CP.
The circulars consist ofregulations on various issues, including technical requirements onfishing vessels as well as preferential tax and insurance policies forfishermen.
According to the State Bank of Vietnam,five commercial banks have pledged about 14 trillion VND (658 millionUSD) in loans for organisations and individuals wishing to build new orupgrade their fishing vessels under Decree 67, which will becomeeffective on August 25.
The Ministry of Agricultureand Rural Development has decided that as many as 2,079 new off-shorefishing ships and 205 logistics ships will be built under the Decree.
Many of the participants at the event proposed thatmore attention should be paid to the comprehensive development ofinfrastructure for fisheries, including aquaculture areas at sea andbreeding facilities, as well as fishery logistic services and stormshelters for fishing vessels.
Representatives ofmany localities said the number of fishing vessels as set by theMinistry of Agriculture and Rural Development does not meet the demandof fishermen.
Minister of Agriculture and RuralDevelopment Cao Duc Phat explained that the number of ships was decidedbased on surveys on marine reserves and the capacity of the nation’sfishing fleets.
According to Deputy Prime MinisterVu Van Ninh, the decree provides a full, systematic and synchronous setof basic policies to encourage fishermen build high-capacity,iron-covered ships capable of fishing offshore, a practice that couldearn fishermen higher incomes, and at the same time contribute toprotecting the country’s territorial waters.
It also gives priority to the building of fishery logistics vessels,which are considered a basic factor for the effective operation ofoffshore catching fleets.
The DeputyPM said Decree 67 has been built carefully basing on fishermen’sopinions, field surveys, and lessons drawn from the implementation ofprevious decrees.
He added that the Government willreview the implementation of the decree in late 2016 to draw experiencefor the next years.-VNA