Credit support programme benefits 4,000 firms in HCM City

More than 4,000 enterprises in Ho Chi Minh City were provided with credit loans worth over 124.3 trillion VND (nearly 5.47 billion USD) in the first five months of this year.
Credit support programme benefits 4,000 firms in HCM City ảnh 1The signing ceremony for the cooperation programme on credit support between businesses and commercial banks (Source: VNA)
HCM City (VNA) – More than 4,000 enterprises in Ho Chi Minh City were provided with credit loans worth over 124.3 trillion VND (nearly 5.47 billion USD) in the first five months of this year under a cooperation programme on credit support between businesses and commercial banks.

The information was unveiled at a conference connecting banks with businesses in the city, which was jointly organised on June 16 by the municipal Department of Industry and Trade, the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV) in HCM City, and the Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Industry and Trade (VietinBank).

Initiated in HCM City in 2012, the programme has expanded to other localities nationwide. It was included in the National Target Programme on supporting business development by 2020.

According to the SBV’s HCM City branch, the programme significantly contributed to promoting production and business activities of local enterprises through helping them easily access preferential loans.

Vice Director of the SBV’s HCM City branch Nguyen Hoang Minh said the central bank will continue supervising the implementation of credits under the programme.

This year, apart from capital for the business field, the programme will focus on agriculture, high-tech businesses; start-up enterprises, and firms turned from business households.

Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade Ho Thi Kim Thoa hailed the municipal authority for its efforts to encourage commercial banks to provide their credit support for enterprises operating in support and high-tech industries and small and medium-sized enterprises, which usually meet difficulty in accessing loans.

At the conference, Vietinbank’s HCM City branch signed a credit support contract with total committed loans reaching over 8 trillion VND (352 million USD).

From 2012 to the end of April this year, Vietinbank lent 310.8 trillion VND (nearly 13.7 billion USD) to 2,496 customers.

From the beginning of this year,  the total disbursement of Vietinbank’s HCM City branch for local enterprises under the programme hit over 49.2 trillion VND (2.16 billion USD), leading among commercial banks joining the programme./. 

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