Addressing the event, President of theCuba-Vietnam Friendship Association Yolanda Ferrer recalled themilestones since Cuba ’s friendship associations with the threeIndochinese countries were set up on July 15, 1976, affirming that thismarked a new stage of development in the traditional friendship betweenCuba and those countries.
With time, the friendship betweenCuba and Vietnam , Laos and Cambodia will continue to develop toa new height and always be illustrated the most effective manner,Ferrer stressed.
The Cambodian Ambassador to Cuba , HaySonnarin, on behalf of the three countries’ diplomats expressed herthanks to the Cuban Party, Government and people for their fraternalsentiments, solidarity and valuable support to the national liberationcauses of the three countries.
She noted that the establishmentof the three friendship associations immediately after the end of threeIndochinese countries’ struggle for national liberation was an importantelement to help them overcome difficulties and rebuild and develop thecountry.
Also at the meeting, Cuban figures who are close friendwith Vietnam , Laos and Cambodia , such as journalist Marta Rojas,doctor Julio Lopez and former Cuban ambassador to Vietnam Mauro Garciarecalled their never-forgotten memories about the three countries aswell as the brave fighting spirit for national independence of thepeople of Vietnam , Laos and Cambodia .
The event alsohonoured the contributions by Moncada heroine Melba Hernandez, the firstPresident of the Cuban Committee for Solidarity with South Vietnam,which was the predecessor of the friendship associations with VietnamLaos, and Cambodia./.