Da Nang takes measures to contain spread of COVID-19

The People’s Committee of Da Nang city on July 26 morning announced a number of measures to curb the spread of COVID-19.
Da Nang takes measures to contain spread of COVID-19 ảnh 1A health worker sprays disinfectant at a residential area in Da Nang city (Photo: VNA)
Da Nang (VNA) - The People’s Committee of Da Nang city on July 26 morning announced a number of measures to curb the spread of COVID-19.

The city asked its residents to wear masks when going out, wash their hands with soaps, keep a safe distance when in contact with others, and not gather in a crowd of more than 30 people.
The local steering committee for COVID-19 prevention and control has also proposed that all local residents inform the authorities if they are planning to leave the central city.

All ceremonies, including religious ceremonies and sporting events as well as events with many people in a public place will be suspended.

Non-essential business activities like entertainment centres, beauty salons and spas, karaoke, massage and discotheques will be temporarily closed.

For other service businesses, strict measures to prevent the virus must be implemented like taking temperatures of customers and providing sufficient hygiene materials.

Schools and education establishments in the city were requested to close as from 1pm on July 26 and online education can be put in place.

For social-economic or political events that need to be organised, local authorities have to ensure strict infection control measures./.

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