Da Nang (VNA) — The central city of Da Nang will prioritise thedevelopment of tourism and services associated with commercial real estate forresorts.
This was one of the five key areas given in the Politburo’s newly issuedResolution 43 on the city’s construction and development by 2030.
According to the resolution, Da Nang needs to have a policy focusing ondeveloping five key sectors, including travel and high quality servicesassociated with resort real estate; seaports and airports; high-tech industryassociated with creative urban construction and start-ups; informationtechnology, electronics and telecommunications associated with the digital economy;and high-tech agriculture and fisheries.
In particular, there will be policies to develop Da Nang into a marine economiccentre, forming a logistics service supply chain in the central region with thecity as a central hub.
Da Nang must develop its high-tech park into a competitive, scientific andtechnological urban area in accordance with international standards to ensurecompetitiveness. At the same time, it is necessary for the city to become acentre for entrepreneurship and innovation in the Central Highlands region.
The resolution also requires the city restructure the agricultural sectortowards building a new countryside and developing high-tech agriculture. Itmust promote the development of large-scale commodity production and focus onproducts with competitive advantages and high economic value.
The city must also focus on deal with land management violations to protect theinterests of organisations, individuals and sources of State budget revenue.
The resolution says the city must create a favourable investment and businessenvironment, actively attract foreign-invested projects, promote socializationand build a mechanism to effectively mobilise domestic and foreign investments.
The Politburo asked the city to focus on developing modern infrastructure toconnect the city traffic system with neighbouring, regional and internationalprovinces by road, rail, sea and air.
The city should encourage enterprises from all economic sectors to developtelecommunications infrastructure, universalise services and develop modernpublic services, the resolution said.-VNA