Dak Nong beauty in the limelight

Over 130 photos and paintings by 40 artists in and outside the Central Highlands province of Dak Nong are being displayed in the locality, bringing its achievements over the last 10 years into the spotlight.
Over 130 photos and paintings by 40 artists in and outside the Central Highlands province of Dak Nong are being displayed in the locality, bringing its achievements over the last 10 years into the spotlight.

Themed “Legend of Highland M’nong”, the exhibits at the event running from December 27 – January 3 depict the province on its path to socio-economic development with unique cultural traits, beautiful natural landscapes, social security and hospitable residents.

They are entries of a photo contest launched in the province since early year.

The provincial People’s Committee granted first prize to photographer Phan Huu Sang. Second place was shared by artists Duy Thoan and Tran Trung, and painters Nguyen Thuy Linh and Do Phu Da.

The organising board also honoured six other runners-up and another five entrants with consolation prizes.-VNA

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