Deputy PM Khiemspoke highly of Vietnam-Myanmar traditional friendship and multifacetedcooperation, saying that bilateral ties began a new stage ofdevelopment after Vietnamese PM Nguyen Tan Dung’s visit to Myanmarin April this year.
He also congratulated Myanmar on itsnational reconciliation process and preparation for the upcoming generalelection on Nov. 7, expressing hope that the election would besuccessful and Myanmar would complete its 7-step roadmap todemocracy.
Myanmar’s FM spoke highly of Vietnam’s support for Myanmar’s general election, affirming that theMyanmar government would successfully organize the event.
The new government would learn from Vietnam’s experience in economicdevelopment, he said, adding that Myanmar invited Vietnameseenterprises to expand cooperation and investment to the country.
Thetwo sides agreed that huge potential existed in shared cooperation andpledged to further strengthen bilateral ties in the future, especiallyin sharing development experiences and increasing two-way trade andinvestment./.