Speaking at the ministry’s regularpress briefing on April 6, she noted the Consular Department and the Economicand Cultural Office of Vietnam in Taipei have been coordinating closely withTaiwanese authorities, keeping a close watch on the case, and assisting relativesof the persons reportedly missing to carry out identification and handlefuneral affairs.
The victim identification willinclude DNA testing to guarantee accuracy, Hang said.
Giving further information about illegalmigration prevention, she affirmed that the Vietnamese Government has been creatingfavourable conditions for legal, safe, and orderly migration while resolutelyfighting illegal migration, arrangement of illegal migration, and humantrafficking.
In the recent past, Vietnam hasstrongly carried out the human trafficking combat, along with the programme onhuman trafficking prevention and control for 2021 - 2025, with orientationstowards 2030, that includes new solutions and tasks to prevent humantrafficking in all fields.
"The country is exerting efforts toachieve the targets of the Global Compact for Safe,Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) under a planissued by the Prime Minister on March 20, 2020 so as to create a transparentmigration environment, protect migrants’ rights and legitimate interests, andprevent risks of human trafficking in international migration activities," thedeputy spokeswoman went on.
Vietnam is enhancing cooperation with countries and organisations, includingthe International Criminal Police Organisation (INTERPOL), in preventing,detecting, investigating, and dealing with rings of illegal migration organisersin line with law. It is also ready to discuss and coordinate with othercountries to resolve the relevant cases in a timely manner to ensure legal andsafe migration and prevent risks of human trafficking for migrants’rights and legitimate interests, according to the official./.