Diversification urged for forest management

The management of forests should be reformed and transferred from the State to households and communities living around the forests, to help realise the restructuring of the forestry sector, agreed speakers at a symposium held in Hanoi on April 16.
The management of forests should be reformed and transferred from the State to households and communities living around the forests, to help realise the restructuring of the forestry sector, agreed speakers at a symposium held in Hanoi on April 16.

The forestry restructuring scheme targets that the State agencies manage 50 percent of forests nationwide instead of the current 60 percent.

The policy of allocating forests to households living in the areas has been launched for over a decade and some studies on its efficiency showed the work generated input for the wood industry while improving the livelihoods of local residents and protecting the eco-system, participants heard.

Some speakers argued that the State’s support pertaining to credit and training in the field have benefited poor households, allowing them to reap practical economic profit.

Nguyen Van Tien, head of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Areas of the Party Central Committee’s Economic Commission, said the allocation of forests will be more efficient when the management capacity of the beneficiaries, forest conditions, infrastructure and State investment policies are all studied carefully.

The symposium was co-organised by Tropenbos International Vietnam and Forest Trends.-VNA

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