Thanksto the programme, the living standards of rural people have muchimproved. Notably, the 2014 per capita income reached 37.6 million VND(1,790 USD) and 38.6 million VND (1,830 USD) in Xuan Loc district andLong Khanh town, respectively, making them recognised as district-levelnew style rural areas, Chanh said.
Last year , as many as 785communes were estimated to become new-style rural areas. In addition,1,285 communes were expected to meet 15-18 out of the 19 criteria fornew rural development, and 2,836 others to satisfy 10-14 criteria,according to the programme’s steering committee.
More than 157.8trillion VND (8.5 billion USD) sourced from the State budget, credits,and the community, was spent on implementing the programme.
Buildinginfrastructure, improving production capacity, constructing publicworks, protecting the landscape and environment, and promoting localtraditions and cultural identities are among the criteria of theprogramme, initiated by the Government in 2010.-VNA